3 Organizing tips to start the New Year

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3 Tips to Get Organized in 2020

Happy New Year!  What a great time to get started on organizing projects, especially in Maine when you’re indoors more often.

Is there an area in your home that you’ve been wanting to organize?

Why not use the tradition of New Years resolutions to take some action to declutter and organize your home.


Do you procrastinate taking down your holiday decorations or find it sad when the holidays are over?

If so just remember the longer you keep up even wonderful decorations they can become visual clutter and lose their joy.

And holiday decorations can take up a lot of storage space, so you’ll want to make sure to only keep the ones that you really love. 

If there are decorations that were never used ask yourself if it’s really worth keeping them. It might be time to let go.


To start you’ll want to declutter in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming. You can do this by decluttering and organizing one small area at a time.

What’s one or two small things you can do to that will help you improve the way you feel about your home? That will change the way you think about getting tidy, decluttering and organizing?

What comes to mind first as something you would really like to see change in your life? Do that!

If you want to get organized, start with one small area. Clear off a surface. Declutter a corner of your room if things have accumulated there.  Start with the easiest thing. Start with the thing that’s bugging you the most.


Again start small. Doing one small thing consistently everyday or every week will allow you to integrate good habits that will help you get and stay organized. 

For instance - Put away the mail and other incoming paper. If you don’t already have a place for this then create a temporary one, just so that all the paper goes in one place instead of everywhere.

Try to spend some time everyday making sure the dishes are washed and the kitchen counter is cleared off so you don’t feel behind when you wake up in the morning.  

These are only two examples of habits that you can incorporate but you get the idea. It’s things like these that will help you feel less stressed out and more organized.

Integrating new habits takes time. Lasting change doesn’t happen overnight and unrealistic expectations can lead to feelings of failure.

Especially if getting organized is one of your New Year’s resolutions you’ll want to be kind to yourself and know decluttering and organizing needs to become a habit as well as a project. 

The more actions you take the more you’ll see results.

Wishing you a happy, healthy and clutter free New Year!