Spring Organizing


Spring Decluttering, Cleaning and Organizing

Happy Spring! It’s that time of year again! 

You’re getting the urge to do some Spring Cleaning but you look around your home and get overwhelmed by the cutter.

It’s normal after a long winter. 

What to do? 

The best thing to do is declutter the area you want to clean first.

Yes, that’s right.

It’s because you can’t clean around clutter, you have to clear the clutter first. 

So move everything out of the corners (you know, those ones that collect all. the. things.), also the stuff under and around the furniture and anything else that’s in the way and in need of a good cleaning.

For everything you want to keep, put it away where it belongs, if possible. 

This is the tidying up part. 

If some things don’t have a place, set them aside to find a place for them later.

Let go of the things that you don’t want or need. Some things might have just ended up there for no good reason :) 

Now you can start to clean. This might be a multi day project but you have the end result in mind, one that will feel great once it’s done. 

Congratulations! You’re on your way to a real Spring Cleaning!