The truth about being organized


Some people think that being organized means being uptight and rigid.  

They don’t care about the clutter in their house and they even insist they like it that way.

But here’s the truth about organizing. 

Being organized gives you freedom! When you can find WHAT you need WHEN you need it. You have more freedom to do the things you’d rather be doing. That’s the opposite of being uptight. 

When you’re organized you have time to pursue other things in your life that matter - like time with your family, creative endeavors, even being able to relax more.  

That’s freedom. Freedom from wasting time, and effort and stress of  dealing with your stuff. 

Taking some time now to declutter, organize and tidy up now with give you the freedom to enjoy your home and have more time to do the things you’d rather be doing. Sounds good right? 

If you feel like you don’t have the time or energy but would like to get organized and have more freedom, let me know. I can help you make it happen.  It will totally be worth it, I promise.