Winter In Maine


Ah, Winter in Maine. Time for messy entry ways and mudrooms filled with boots, shoes, coats, scarves, hats and gloves. If you have kids double and triple that and it really adds up. 

It’s not easy to be organized with all that extra stuff hanging around, but there’s something you can do to help maintain some order. 

Set a kitchen timer for 30 minutes to go through as many of the boots, shoes, coats, scarves, hats as you can in that time. Make sure that you’re really using everything that’s there. That means getting rid of things that don’t fit anymore, things that are old and worn, mittens with out mates, etc. If you’re inspired to do more, great, if not come back another day for another 30 minutes. 

For things you’re undecided about or you still want to keep that you’re not currently using put them in another room in a box or closet just for now. The idea is to ONLY have the things you’re currently using in the entryway or mudroom.  

Yes, things will get messy again. But taking time now to de-clutter will keep everything from getting TOTALLY out of hand. We’re not aiming for perfection here, just trying to ward off chaos. 

Let me know how it goes!