
Get Organized for Back to School

It’s that time of year again. Getting the kids ready for a new school year and getting yourself ready too!

So much to plan for and to keep track of. You might be feeling overwhelmed and behind already.

But don’t worry, you’re fine. Take some deep breaths and a look around at where you’re at and what needs to be done next. Make a list of everything you can think of that will help you keep things moving forward.

If you get to the point when you feel you need some hands on help, some guidance and objectivity please reach out to me. I’m happy to be of service.

4 ways to declutter paperwork

4 ways to declutter paperwork

There are always other things that seem more important than managing paperwork clutter, but when you take some time to declutter it always feels better!

I think this is especially true when it comes to paper. 

All kinds of paper - important paper, junk paper, old paper - all the paper. 

Whether your office is a separate room or just a corner in the kitchen or a dining room table, paper can be a major problem.

It has a way of piling up and it takes a lot of time to go through. 

There’s nothing like disorganized paper to make you feel, well, disorganized. 

When you let paper pile up it becomes hard to concentrate on what you’re working on, you can’t find what you’re looking for, you are less productive and everything takes longer.

You need a functional and accessible place for paper or it just gets moved from place to place, pile to pile. 

Like all organizing, the process of organizing paper is about decision making, but paradoxically, even though a single piece of paper is a small thing compared to other types of clutter it can represent multiple steps of action depending on what it is. 

So let’s get down to how to go through the paper in your life. 

When you decide what to keep and what to toss, ask yourself these questions:

1. Do you actually need this piece of paper or receipt? What specific purpose does it have?

2. How old is it? If it’s old it’s probably no longer necessary. If it is important then label it and file it. 

3. Can it be found on the internet? Now we can access so much information online that used to be only paper. Definitely take advantage of this!

4. What’s the consequence of not having it if you do need it? Sometimes we hang on to things for fear of needing something in the future. It can feel like security or like holding on to other kinds of objects it represents a period in your life that was significant. If so then file it or scan it. 

If you find that you need help please contact me. I can help you declutter and organize your paper problems!

How to get rid of clutter once and for all

Clutter drains your energy. You know it’s there, you’re thinking you should do something about it. It weights on your mind. 

Yet you don’t have the motivation to actually do anything about it. 

It’s not a good feeling having to work around clutter to do things you want or need to do.

Little by little clutter creeps up on you. Sometimes you can get it to the point where you can tidy up, but it never really goes away. 

What is the solution? How can you get rid of clutter once and for all? 

The number one thing that needs to happen is that you need be motivated to do something about it. It starts there. 

But it’s hard to get motivated when you don’t know how to start. 

It’s a mindset thing. Set aside the feelings of overwhelm, sadness and anger for a moment. Take a deep breath. Set timer for 15 minutes and just start moving things around. 

Start with the easy things.  

Some things don’t belong where they are and so put them where they belong. 

Other things you can simply get rid of. 

For everything else just put them aside for the moment.

Even if it feels like you’re not making progress, you are, just by doing these things.

Really, that’s how to get started. It’s simple when you break it down to a small area and a short period of time. 

You might even find yourself getting into it as you see the results. 

Give it a try and let me know how it goes!