Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 

What a great time to get started on organizing projects, especially in Maine when you’re indoors more often.

Is there an area in your home that you’ve been wanting to organize? Why not use the tradition of New Years resolutions to take some action to de-clutter and organize your home. 

The truth is that integrating new habits takes time. Lasting change doesn’t happen overnight and unrealistic expectations can lead to feelings of failure.

Taking small steps consistently is the way to make lasting change. If you want to get organized, start with one small area. Clear off a surface. Put away an unfinished project. Start with the easiest thing. Start with the thing that’s bugging you the most.

The more actions you take the more you’ll see results. But just remember it’s a process not an event. You’ll want to integrate getting organized into your life in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming so you’ll achieve your goals. 

Wishing you a happy, healthy and clutter free New Year!

And as always if you feel like you’d like some help with de-cluttering and organizing don't hesitate to contact me.