Organizing ideas

Do you ever get the urge to declutter, organize and clean your home?

Do you ever get the urge to declutter, organize and clean your house? 

Here’s a question that someone posted ———

“What does it mean when you feel a strong urge to declutter, organize and clean your house?”

And here are some answers people gave ——— 

“It’s all about releasing. Getting ready to move forward, shifting the energy and creating space for new things to come. Feels great!”

“I’m feeling this way and do at the beginning of every year. I love it! It’s so awesome to let go of things the weigh me down.”

“It means you’re ready to let go of the old and make room for the new.”

“I always do a major decluttering when I want to clear my mind for new things.”

“Letting go of what no longer serves you makes room for what is coming on both a physical and mental level.”

“Purging your personal space is a sign that you are ready to let go and free up space to allow something better to come into your life.”

“Clutter is the physical manifestation of ‘stuck’ energy. And it feels awful! That’s why it feels so much better when you have a tidy house because the energy can flow!”

If you feel the urge to declutter, organize and clean your house but want some help please get in touch with me to talk about how we can work together.

You CAN do this!